Can Your Culture be Transformed?
Any Culture CAN be Transformed When

Senior Leader(s) Committed to Fund and Lead the Process by Personal Example.
Senior Leader(s) Committed to Fund and Lead the Process by Personal Example.
Clear Measurable Data Profile of Your Ideal and Existing Culture.
Clear Measurable Data Profile of Your Ideal and Existing Culture.
Leadership Team Committed to Put Skin in the Game.
Leadership Team Committed to Put Skin in the Game.
Customized Excellent Cultures Proven Process Strategy Deployed as Directed.
Customized Excellent Cultures Proven Process Strategy Deployed as Directed.

Confidential Diagnostic Assessments & Interviews

Organizational Culture MRI Process

Strategic Culture Assessment & Strategy Development Workshop
The Strategic Culture Assessment and Strategy Development Workshop is the process utilized to assess your team’s capacity for the transformation that can produce the scalable triple to quadruple digit returns that the Excellent Cultures Process is known for. The Assessment Process includes three components:
- Confidential Diagnostic Assessments and Interviews
- The Organizational Culture MRI Process
- Onsite Strategic Culture Assessment & Strategy Development Workshop

Confidential Diagnostic Assessments & Interviews
- A simple online confidential subjective questionnaire, known as The Diagnostic Assessment, draws out each of your participating leaders’ and / or employees’ views of what they perceive as your ideal desired organizational culture goals, objectives and perceived obstacles to achieving them.
- After review of the responses, your Excellent Cultures Professional Coach will conduct a short confidential telephone or video conference interview with a representative sample of your participating group.
- These responses are summarized and confidentially delivered first to your senior leadership and then to your entire team as part of the agenda for the Strategic Culture Assessment and Strategy Development Workshop.
Organizational Culture MRI Process
- Confidential online assessment survey using the global standard for measuring corporate culture.

OCI Circumplex from Robert A. Cooke and J. Clayton Lafferty, Organizational Culture Inventory®, Human Synergistics International. Copyright ©1987-2025. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
- Your participants will be asked to complete an anonymous online assessment defining both their vision of the “Ideal” culture they want to work in as well as its “Current” state.
- A proprietary algorithm scientifically norms your data against a global data base of constructive benchmarks of excellent corporate cultures. Results identify the basis for producing scalable cost savings and revenue increases when appropriately applied.
- Data summary is delivered in both comparative metrics as well as colorful graphic depictions. Resulting metrics are benchmarked to provide actionable criteria as the basis for designing your customized transformation strategy.
Onsite Workshop Agenda:
- Private overview meeting with senior leader(s) to review diagnostic findings and set objectives for the larger leadership team meeting.
- Larger Overall Team Meeting-Review and Discuss:
- Confidential feedback & interview summary
- Organizational Culture MRI results
- Your team’s culture goals & business case return on investment
- Interactive robust dialogue resulting in consensus on your team’s desired High Performance Culture Goals, Perceived Obstacles to be overcome and Behaviors to Change en route to your desired Excellent Culture and resulting cost savings and revenue increases.
- Discussion of potential next steps in the strategic implementation of your desired Excellent Culture.
- Private meeting with senior leader(s) to review team meeting feedback and evaluate next steps strategy based on assessment findings and team responses.

OCI outcomes from Robert A. Cooke, Organizational Culture Inventory® Feedback Report, Human Synergistics International. ©1987-2025. All rights reserved. Adapted by permission.
Expected Outcomes
- Clearly Defined Measurable Ideal Culture that Will Deliver Optimum Performance.
- Data Gap Analysis Comparing Your Existing Culture Against the Ideal.
- Obstacles to Achieving Your Ideal Culture.
- Needed Changes to Achieve Your Ideal Culture.
- Impact Achieving Your Ideal Culture Will Have to Your Bottom Line.
- Proven Strategy Components to Achieving Your Ideal Culture.
- Data Profile Indicating Leadership Team’s Readiness to Change (How Much Skin They are Willing to Put Into Ensuring Your Successful Transformation)
- Strategy Discussion to Achieve Your Ideal Culture and Maximize Your Resulting ROI.